Are you interested in developing greater self-awareness, or increasing your ability to manage stress and reduce anxiety? Or enhance relationships and improve sleep? These are just some of the potential benefits of the clinically proven Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction course, as developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre, and I am offering a small number of people an opportunity to take part in the programme at a significantly reduced rate.
As the final stage of my teacher training certification in Mindfulness-Based Interventions, I am required to deliver a supervised 8-week MBSR programme. To do this, I am inviting a small number of people to support me in achieving my certification, while gaining all the benefits of the MBSR course. Full details of MBSR can be found here
The programme will be delivered weekly, over the course of 8 consecutive Wednesday evenings, in person in Dublin city centre. The weekly classes are approx. 3 hours in length, and will start at 6.30pm and finish by 9.30pm, every week from October 13th to December 1st (see full list of dates below). Also included is a mindfulness day retreat on a Sunday between weeks 6 & 7 (exact date TBC). This is an integral part of the curriculum, as designed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Commitment to daily practice of approx. 40 minutes per day between classes is fundamental to the effectiveness of the course, so participants are asked to carefully consider their capacity and interest in fully participating in the course. Participants will receive a course handbook and audio recordings to support home practice.
As part of the supervision, the classes will be discreetly recorded for submission to my supervisor for review. Participants can be excluded from camera, but all participants will be asked to sign a release form, to allow the recordings to be viewed by my supervisor. The supervisor only reviews my facilitation and teaching skills and is not reviewing participants or the content of discussions and all discussions are strictly private and confidential.
The cost of the course will be on donation basis (usual full cost for the course is €350), with a minimum donation of €100 per person requested to cover the cost of the room, and anything thereafter will be at individual discretion to reimburse me, with a percentage going to mental health charity.
If you are interested in participating, please contact me to discuss and reserve a space.
Dates and Times
October 13th, 6.30pm - 9.30pm*
October 20th, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
October 27th, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
November 3rd, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
November 10th, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
November 17th, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Mindfulness day Retreat, Sunday Nov 20th/27th TBC * Please bring a packed lunch/ refreshments
November 24th, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
December 1st, 6.30pm - 9.30pm
*On occasion we may finish before 9.30pm
*Start time could be revised to slightly earlier or later if preferred by the majority, so please let me know if it would suit better to adjust it and we can review